“You’re not stupid for not knowing how to handle your money and you’re not bad for wanting to manage your money properly.” - Ms. Moody

Get in line for the saving spree workshop
Transform your money from chaos to ultimate control.
I’ve taken care of the hard stuff. You show up, follow directions, and leave with a step-by-step plan that works.
This system and workshop is for you if you:
are tired of money stress and ready to do something about it
love saving money
often feel guilty or anxious about spending money
want to know if you can afford things, without having to track every penny
value leading an enriching, meaningful life - and your mental health
want to start doing the “right” thing with your money
are still living paycheck to paycheck…despite raises over the years
have tried budgeting or know you should budget, but it just didn’t work
This is not for you if:
your money problems are because you make less than a living wage
you cannot control yourself with credit cards
you’re looking for someone to teach you how to get-rich-quick (but I do have some magic beans to sell you, shoot me an email!)
you aren’t ready to put in a few hours of work - if budgeting were fun or easy, you would have done it already.
Not required to buy - signing up just keeps you on the radar

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Ms. Moody reviews
(From people other than my mom, who thinks my work is great. Thanks, Mom!)

Ms. Moody

I am driven by the idea that good people can do great things with money.
Having been a non-profit employee for a dozen years, I know the pay usually ain't great. It's the joy of making a difference that drives us.
I’m here to help all those working to make the world a better place financially secure and successful.
All too often the work is emotionally draining and this is compounded by our finances:
We're stressed out about cash
We don't feel like we have enough savings
We're not able to enjoy our lives
We don't feel in control of our money
We feel guilty spending money.
It's enough to make a woman want to go into for-profit work! (j/k)
My mission is to help good people take financial control so they can focus on making a positive difference in the world.
Plus, they'll also have more money to give to charities (hello, new tote bags!)
About me:
I have financial anxiety. I found that when I understood how money works in our society, wrote out all my numbers, and created a plan for my money, I felt confident and in control. It made my own anxiety plummet, allowing me to sleep at night, stop hoarding every penny like a dragon on its pile of riches, and start spending money on living an enriching and fulfilling life. Basically, I could relax and have fun. And I want to do that for you too.
I have over a decade of experience helping others build budgets, teaching personal finance, and working as a money coach. I have taken college courses in accounting, finance, investment, and attended an intensive two-day workshop on money coaching.
I am a former librarian and current financial educator. Mom to two cats and an ever increasing number of plants. I also love to cook, try new foods, and feed friends.

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Written works.
I crack me up!