
I expected to learn a lot and I did! I didn’t expect that my confidence about money would grow so much - that was a nice surprise. The coaching process is excellent because it is so tailored - everything we worked on was personal to me. I liked, too, how we always celebrated the financial victories, as well as discussing new stuff to work on. My partner and I are able to have much more open discussions around money than we have before! I have learned that I control my money, rather than the other way around, and that I can educate myself to make good choices, rather than feeling like I have no agency

  • What kind of person would you recommend get coaching with Kate Moody?

Anyone with a history of money scarcity or trouble. Anyone who feels lacking in financial literacy (about retirement, savings, etc.). Anyone who feels overwhelmed at the though of exploring the many money topics out there and doesn’t know where to start.

Kate Moody